An interesting piece of research was done for the British Medical Journal where it was stated that employers and occupational health staff should recognize the risk when a major down-sizing had taken place. In other studies where 18% of local government personnel were retrenched it was found that there was an enormous increase of cardio vascular disease, and in fact it posed a severe risk to health.

It was quite clear to the employers that there needed to be an enormous input from the Human Resources Departments to build up staff morale and to reassure those remaining staff that their positions were intact and the job would be able to be done.


Our thoughts on Retrenchment:

As Labour Lawyers we have increasing noticed an enormous down turn in productivity after a retrenchment programme and this has to be addressed with immediate effect after the last consultation has taken place. We have devised input from ourselves to help build up the staff morale after the retrenchment programme.

Contact Bernard Reisner:
W. Tel: 021 423 3959
Fax: 021 423 2105
Cell: 082 433 3959