Labour Law Blog

What you need to know about the CCMA?

CCMA Rules The CCMA is a statutory body that was set up by the Labour Relations Act. The CCMA rules have been structured to enable the parties to use the CCMA effectively. These rules are to be interpreted and applied in a spirit that will enhance and facilitate the work of the Commission. In essence, these rules have to be administered in a fair and structured manner and they must […]

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Automatically Unfair Dismissals

It is automatically unfair if the employer dismisses an Employee because that Employee had participated in or supported strike or protest action. If this strike or protest action was in terms of the Legislation, then that Employee is to be protected. Furthermore, if any Employee took action or indicated an intention to take action against the Employer, exercising his rights in terms of the Legislation by participating in proceedings in […]

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Who has the Protection of our Labour Legislation?

Question for today: Who has the Protection of our Labour Legislation? There is a heated debate about who is an employee. There are guidelines, both in the Basic Conditions of Employment Act and the Labour Relations Act for determining whether persons are employees or not. The employment relationship is a complex and sometimes convoluted relationship which both employers and employees try to disguise. There was often a call by employees […]

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Sick Leave, Sick Certificates – Problems arising therefrom

We have had many queries over the last few months with regard to fraudulent sick certificates, unreadable and unintelligible and even unsigned sick certificates. We are also faced with numerous queries for sick leave with regard to sick certificates from non-medical practitioners and even nurses and sangomas. Any employee who is away from work for more than 2 consecutive days or on more than 2 occasions during an 8-week period […]

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Constructive Dismissal – Before Disciplinary Hearing

A common occurrence is when employers approach an employee prior to a disciplinary hearing and offer to allow that employee to resign instead of “facing the music”. This in itself is not unfair and certainly does not constitute a constructive dismissal. The employee must prove in constructive dismissal circumstances that the situation had become absolutely intolerable. In an interesting arbitration award Charles Matlala vs Debt Control Management, it was held […]

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Often we receive phone calls from Companies who had decided to go to arbitration at the CCMA and to represent themselves. This arbitration, on some occasions, turned nasty and they have had to either reinstate the employee or pay damages. The Companies ask us to launch an Appeal as they are not satisfied with either the process or the outcome. We have, on many occasions, explained that there is no […]

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It must be remembered by everyone that an approach to the CCMA can only be made with regard to disputes of right. Right is defined by the Basic Conditions of Employment Act and by specific legislation. One cannot approach the CCMA or have a dispute heard by them or when a person has an interest in something. For example you cannot go to arbitration for a salary increase. We often […]

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An interesting piece of research was done for the British Medical Journal where it was stated that employers and occupational health staff should recognize the risk when a major down-sizing had taken place. In other studies where 18% of local government personnel were retrenched it was found that there was an enormous increase of cardio vascular disease, and in fact it posed a severe risk to health. It was quite […]

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An interesting article appeared in our Press recently stating that chronic health conditions are often not as bad as the attendance record of those who are merely malingerers. Sick leave is done on a three-year cycle and in fact an enormous amount of this sick leave is often taken for no reason whatsoever. It should be noted that the legislation recommends a sick certificate for 2 days or more but […]

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It is extraordinary that even in this day and age, once an employee has concluded a settlement agreement with the employer and the employee afterwards is advised that was not adequate, the matter is still referred to the CCMA or to the Bargaining Council Arbitrations. Unfortunately, on many occasions, the CCMA entertains such a dispute although it is not within their power to do so. Any sort of agreement, no […]

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