Functions of the CCMA
The CCMA’s statutory functions are set in the Labour Relations Act, 66 of 1995 (the LRA), are divided into those which are compulsory and those which are discretionary.
The CCMA’s compulsory statutory functions are to –
• Conciliate workplace disputes;
• Arbitrate certain categories of disputes that remain unresolved after conciliation;
• Establish picketing rules;
• Facilitate the establishment of workplace forum and statutory councils;
• Compile and publish information and statistics about our activities;
• Accredited and consider applications for subsidy by bargaining councils and private agencies; and
• Provide support for the Essential Services Committee.
The CCMA’s discretionary statutory functions are to –
• Supervise ballots for unions and employer organisations;
• Provide training and information relating to the primary objective of the LRA;
• Advise a party to a dispute about the procedures to follow;
• Offer to resolve a dispute that has not been referred to the CCMA; and
• Publish guidelines on any aspect of the LRA and to make rules.
During the 2009/2010 financial year, a total of 153 657 disputes (cases) were referred to the CCMA, an average of 617 new referrals every working day.
Unfair dismissal disputes continued to account for the largest percentage of issues in dispute. During the financial year under review, these disputes accounted for 81% of the total cases received.
For further information on any labour related matters, you can contact
Bernard Reisner:
W.Tel no.: 021 423 3959
Fax: 021 423 2105
Cell: 082 433 8714
021-423-3959 082-433-8714 ✉