Engagement checklist
Date engaged: | |
Personal Details | |
Title (Mr/Ms/Dr) | |
Initials | |
Surname | |
First Name | |
Second Name | |
ID Number | |
Date of Birth | |
Nationality | |
Passport Number, if applicable | |
Passport Country, if applicable | |
Home Language | |
Race (For Statistical Purposes) | |
Gender | |
Marital Status | |
Number of dependant/s | |
Age/s of dependant/s | |
Gender of dependant/s | |
Employee Contact Numbers: | |
Cell Phone Number | |
Fax Number | |
Home Number | |
Home E-mail Address | |
Residential Address | |
Residential Code | |
Postal Address | |
Postal Code | |
Emergency Contact Details | |
First Contact | |
Nature of Relationship | |
Name and Surname | |
Cell Phone Number | |
Work Phone Number | |
Home Phone Number | |
Second Contact | |
Nature of Relationship | |
Name and Surname | |
Cell Phone Number | |
Work Phone Number (if applicable) | |
Employer (if applicable) | |
Statutory Details: | |
Tax Office | |
Tax Number | |
Payment Details: | |
Type of Account (Savings/Cheque etc.) | |
Branch Code | |
Bank Name | |
Branch Name | |
Account Number | |
Account Holder Name | |
Account Holder Relationship (own/joint) | |
Qualifications | |
Highest Qualification: | |
Type (Cert/Diploma/Degree) | |
Name of Qualification | |
Institution | |
Name of Trainer (if applicable) | |
Date of receiving Qualification | |
Other Qualification 1 | |
Type (Cert/Diploma/Degree) | |
Name of Qualification | |
Institution | |
Name of Trainer (if applicable) | |
Date of receiving Qualification | |
Other Qualification 2 | |
Type (Cert/Diploma/Degree) | |
Name of Qualification | |
Institution | |
Name of Trainer (if applicable) | |
Date of receiving Qualification | |
Secondary | |
Highest Grade achieved | |
Year of leaving school | |
High School attended |
Past Employment History | |
Written references of previous employers | |
1. | |
2. | |
3. | |
4. | |
Telephonic enquiries of previous employers | |
1. | |
2. | |
3. | |
4. |
021-423-3959 082-433-8714 ✉ bernard@capelabour.co.za