Incompatibility at Work
About Incompatibility at Work
Incompatibility is a form of incapacity it lies in the fact that the employee is capable of maintaining harmonious working relationships with his or her colleagues. The fact that incompatibility at work is seen as a form of incapacity means that the substantive and procedural requirements for an incapacity dismissal, as set out in Schedule 8 of the Labour Relations Act (the Code of Good Practice: Dismissal) would apply.
For further information on Incompatibility at Work or any labour related matters, you can contact:
Bernard Reisner:
W.Tel no.: 021-423-3959
Cell: 082-433-8714
Fax: 021-4232105
For more articles on Incompatibility at and Other Labour Matters please visit our website at
021-423-3959 082-433-8714 ✉