The exit interview is a voluntary, verbal interview between an employee who’s leaving your company and an HR person if the company has one. If there is no HR person, any other authorised person would conduct the interview. The interview often takes place one to two days before the employee actually leaves.

What is the Purpose of the Exit Interview?

The goal of this interaction is two-fold: firstly, the employee has a chance to vent their feelings about the work experience. Subjects covered may include their boss, colleagues, company procedure, staff interaction, productivity, morale, finances, equipment, job satisfaction and so on.

Simply gathering the information is only part of the exit interview process. The second purpose is to analyse it, and share it with the departing employee’s colleagues.

Are there any benefits to exit interviews?

Not always. Some employees, reluctant to “burn their bridges” are not completely honest for fear of getting a negative reference for a future employer. Instead, they either paint a rosy picture or withhold negative information. This creates a system in which change is critically needed, but no one knows it because everyone’s afraid to point out the obvious.

Also, this interview is rendered ineffective if the departing employee isn’t interested in sharing information and gives brief “yes” or “no” answers.


The Exit Interview may be conducted through a variety of methods. Some of the methods include: in-person, over the telephone, on paper and via the Internet.

7 Common Exit interview questions you’ll be asked.
  1. Why are you leaving your current position?


  1. Do you think you were adequately equipped to do your job well?


  1. What was your relationship with your manager like?


  1. What was the biggest factor that led you to accept this new job?


  1. What did you like most about your job?


  1. What did you dislike most about your job?


  1. What skills and qualifications do you think we need to look for in your replacement?
4 Tips for a successful Exit Interview
  1. Vent ahead of time, not during the interview


  1. Plan and prepare for the session


  1. Exit with grace by focusing on the positive.


  1. Provide useful facts