Labour minister Thulas Nxesi has published the new minimum wage for South Africa.


In a gazette published on Monday evening (8 February), the minister said that the national minimum wage is now R21.69 for each ordinary hour. This change will take effect from 1 March 2021.


The gazette also provides exceptions for a number of worker groups


  • Farmworkers are entitled to minimum wage of R29.69 per hour;
  • Domestic workers are entitled to a minimum wage of R19.09 per hour;
  • Workers employed on an expanded public works programme are entitled to a minimum wage of R11.93 per hour.


The national minimum wage was first implemented on 1 January 2029.


The national minimum wage is the amount payable for the ordinary hours of work and does not include payment of allowances (such as transport, tools, food or accommodation) payments in kind (board or lodging), tips, bonuses and gifts.